20 October 2023
Over $300,000 raised for the neonatal critical care unit at the CHU de Québec
On September 21st, Ocean Group hosted a very special evening at Monsieur Jean – Hôtel particulier. The cocktail reception was the highlight of a major fundraising event organized to raise money for the renewal of the respirator fleet at the CHU de Québec neonatal critical care unit.
Québec City companies join forces for a noble cause
For the occasion, many members of the city of Québec area business community, partners from the maritime industry and representatives from the healthcare sector joined forces for this noble cause.
“We wanted to make a concrete gesture for our 50th anniversary, and since the cause of sick children is particularly close to our hearts, it was only natural that we should join forces with the Fondation du CHU to carry out the project to renew the respirator fleet,” emphasized Mr. Gordon Bain, founder and Chairman of the Board of Ocean Group, during the evening.
$300 000 for the purchase of respirators
Ocean Group’s fundraising campaign raised $300,000, which will be used exclusively for the purchase of the respirators. We are delighted to announce that the respirators have already been ordered and will be installed shortly.
As Alexandre Rancourt, Head of Respiratory Activities at CHU de Québec, points out, the availability of these ventilators will make the work of the respiratory therapists easier, without the interdisciplinary team having to make difficult decisions.
Upgrading the park with high-tech respirators will provide access to the care that every premature baby in the ICU deserves.
It is important to note that the neonatal unit welcomes an average of 1,500 newborns a year, from just 22 weeks of pregnancy. The vast majority of these small patients require respiratory support while hospitalized in one of the 56 beds: 29 intensive care beds and 27 intermediate care beds. In addition, the unit welcomes patients from the city of Québec region, as well as from Northern Quebec, Eastern Quebec and New Brunswick.
Jacques Tanguay, President and CEO of Ocean Group, thanked the partners who responded to his appeal.
“A fundraiser like this would not be possible without the unwavering support of our partners. In the current economic climate, I am most grateful that our partners in industry and the business community have put their shoulder to the wheel and supported us in this way,” he said at the event.
On behalf of the sick children, their families and the caregivers at the CHU de Québec, thank you to our generous contributors.