27 August 2019
Ocean Group donates $100,000 to the Institut maritime du Québec Foundation.
Rimouski, Quebec, August 21, 2019
At a press conference held in Rimouski on August 21, Ocean Group officially announced a donation of $100,000 as part of the major fundraising campaign of the Institut maritime du Québec Foundation (IMQ). The goal of the campaign is to raise $2.5 million by 2024. Ocean Group becomes the major partner of the students’ welcome day, which will be named for the next five years: L’Abordage Océan. This welcome day allows students and teachers to meet and build relationships and promote the values of the IMQ: dynamism, solidarity and a sense of commitment. In addition, this day allows several students newly arrived in the region to discover a tourist attraction. This year, L’Abordage Océan was held at the maritime historic site of Pointe-au-Père.
Partner for several years, Ocean Group has strong ties with the Institut maritime du Québec (IMQ), which often materialize through innovative projects. Remember the renovation of the Student Café in 2015 now called Café Océan.
“For Ocean Group, it is important to get actively involved in your community, in your community and to support causes that make the difference. We are committed to the promotion and development of trades related to the marine industry. Investing in the next generation is investing in the future, “said campaign co-chairs Ms. Manon Lavoie, General Manager – Naval Construction and Repair, and Maryse Paré, Associate Director, Customer Service – Ocean Towing and Navigation at Ocean Group.
The Institut maritime du Québec Foundation continues the fundraising campaign to make the marine industry currently in labour shortage more attractive, in addition to promoting maritime careers, raising scholarship funds and promoting research and development as a way of improvement.
To learn more about the campaign or to donate, visit the website of the Institut maritime du Québec Foundation: